Monday, September 29, 2008


OK so the title of this post is a bit misleading. Sorry I'm not here to talk about the movie Airplane. A very funny movie, and watching it now as an adult, I'm surprised that my parents let me watch it when I was younger, but any way, not talking about that movie. :)

My story is about my fun experience at the airport today. I got there in plenty of time ( thanks mom for the ride ) and there were no problems getting on the plane, the fun began when we were taking off. It's weird to explain, but it's like riding a roller coaster. We were going so fast and almost off the ground and bam, the flight was "aborted" ( the fancy term the pilot used ). So hey why not lets try and take off again. No go. 2nd time around, almost off the ground and again - aborted. Turns out there was something wrong with the lever on the wings or something. Anyhoo.... we went back to the terminal and de-boarded ( I like using the fancy aviation terms ) the plane. So after a bit we got a new plane, and finally two hours after I was originally supposed to take off I was in the air on my way to California, sadly not for vacation, but for work.

So the word Airplane has a new definition for me....... what a fun day. :)


Breanne said...

I'm just glad that you are there safe! Have a fun time if you can! And we'll see you when you get back :)

lramey said...

yeah, pretty sure you wouldn't have gotten me back onto an airplane after 3 failed attempts at taking off. You are brave. I am not.

have fun!