Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Posting Slacker.......

Yes I'm a slacker! So many things that I want to post about and then I get busy and then I get lazy, so watch out, take a seat, and be prepared for a lot of stuff. :) oh and more to come later. :)

Our first attempt to open the cabin.

A few weeks ago Brent, Pat, Breanne, mom, Xander, Mara, Max, Conli and I drove down to our cabin to open it for the season and have just a fun time with the family. Well as most everyone knows the weather this year has been interesting to say the least. It had been raining a lot, and we woke up to a fun storm but decided to try and open the cabin anyway. No such luck, rain and dirt roads equal mud. Lots of mud! My mom's 4 wheel drive car made it about half a mile on the dirt road and my little car went just a few hundred feet. So we ended up turning around and going home after a good lunch at TCees. I did enjoy the fun ride with my niece and nephews. They always make me smile. :)

Smooshing the kids in the backseat of my car.

Miss Mara having fun in moms car.

MUD! lots of MUD!

Having fun with the gumball machine at TCees.

I love my cute nieces! :)

Gay Pride

Sunday June 8th was the Utah Gay Pride celebration. I have never been to pride before, I have always wanted to go and support my brother and best friend, so this year when Clayton and Paul asked me to help out and be in the parade with them, I was excited! Really, really, really excited! Paul works for Wells Fargo and he was asked to be a line captain and on the committee for the Wells Fargo float. It was the coolest thing ever! More than 60 employees and friends got to wear different color shirts to make a rainbow and hold balloons while walking in the parade. I got to wear green and carry a 9 foot pole of green balloons. I had the best time ever! We all looked so so cool lined up with our shirts and balloons. Here are some pics from that day. :)

Me, Paige, Clayton and Paul getting ready for the parade.

That's me in the green, Jd and Chris came to the parade and got pictures. I love it!

The Wells Fargo group. Wow look at all the balloons! So cool!

Jd, me and Chris. Having fun at the festival.

Paul, me and Clayton. Thanks boys I had the best time ever! Love Ya!

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