Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I have loved going to my nephew Max's soccer games last fall and this spring. He is loving soccer and getting so good. The best 5 year old soccer player! I can say that, i'm his aunt. :) Here are a lot of fun pics.

The next Beckham?

Concentrating on the ball.

Grass Stains, the marks of a great player.

Super fans!

Run Max!!

Cute Conli always yelling "GO MAX! & GO GREEN DRAGONS!"

Great defense.

Sawyer and Lisa enjoying the game.

Max being silly. I love this boy! :)


lramey said...

you are the greatest fan, and aunt!!! I love the pictures!! I'm going to steal all that I can!!

love you karri- thanks for being so supportive of the kids, they love you so much

lramey said...

k so i tried to steal them and couldn't- will you get me thosens??? love them